
by 株式会社 WHRP



Three boys who appeared suddenly was "brother"! ?nIts cheeky youth story to spend with cute younger brothers!nIn song and dance, Aim Grand Prix!

あなたは「お兄ちゃん」?それとも「お姉ちゃん」?3人の男の子を育ててグランプリへ導け!タップであそべる『弟』育成ゲーム登場!数年ぶりに田舎に帰った主人公を待っていた見ず知らずの少年たちは、なんと全員『弟』だった!「なぁなぁ!おれたちに歌とダンス、おしえてよ!」って言われても、ただのアイドルオタクなんだけど…!?ゼロからはじまるひと夏の共同生活!?ドタバタの青春ストーリーが幕を開ける!\全お兄ちゃん&お姉ちゃん対応/弟はボイス付!「お兄ちゃん」か「お姉ちゃん」好きな方で呼んでもらえるよ!(声変わり非対応)\おとグラ!ってどんなゲーム?/豊富なストーリーはエンディング含めて40種類以上!やんちゃな弟、クールな弟、マイペースな弟…個性豊かな弟たちと過ごす日々を楽しもう!かんたん操作と放置で空き時間にプレイできる!歌やダンスのレッスンで可愛く弟を育成したり、オモチャをプレゼントしてあそんであげてね!「なでなで」すると、弟ともっとなかよくなれる!?恋愛でも友情でもない家族の絆を深めていこう!ぼくらの町のみんなのため、めざせグランプリ!◆使用BGM・SE◆DOVA-SYNDROMEMusic is VFRこんとどぅふぇ HiLi ポケットサウンド – http://pocket-se.info/◆音声協力◆GiraffeYou are "brother"? Or "big sister"?Raised the three boys Michibike to Grand Prix!Play with tap "brother" training game appearance!I was waiting for a hero who came back to the countryside for the first time in yearsStrangers of the boys, was what everyone "brother"!"Nana! Song and dance to us, tell me!"Also been told, Im just a geek idol ...! ?Community life of the summer starting from zero! ?Youth story of slapstick is kick off! All brother and sister corresponding /Brother with voice! "Brother" or "big sister"I get called in the way you like! (Voice breaking non-compliant) Sound Gras! What game it? /Rich story is ending, including 40 or more!Rambunctious younger brother, cool brother, own pace brother ...Enjoy every day to spend with personality rich brothers!You can play in the free time it is left with the easy operation!Or foster brother cute song and dance lessons,I have raised is playing to present the toys!"Nadenade" Then, become brother and more get along! ?Also going to deepen the bonds of friendship nor a family in love!For everyone of our town, Aim Grand Prix!◆ use BGM · SE ◆DOVA-SYNDROMEMusic is VFRKontodu Fe HiLiPocket Sound - http://pocket-se.info/◆ sound cooperation ◆Giraffe軽微なバグの修正を行いました。

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Just a adorable game, recommend it!


Lv 5 is stupidly ridiculous. How can anyone keep up with such speed? And what lies in wait for us there? Care to tell us so we might consider if its with the effort to keep trying endlessly? Else it's just pressurising us every time we max out the gauge at lv 4,i dont even wanna come online to pet the kids cos I don't want being dragged into an impossible activity

Lee Zhenyou



I love this game! I really wish it had an English option, so I knew what the bean boys were saying.

I Didn't Laugh

Your just too cute! It always cures my depression! And everything bad on me!

XselorYZ ShadowWalker

This game is so cute! Please translate this game to English 😭

Blackleg Sanji

Awesome and Amazing

JKL Simon

Edited: i like it a lot :D please make more like these

Puri Purin

Not in English


Uhhhhh I cant understand it but hey its cute

dang dog